Thursday, January 24, 2013

Judgemental me

Who am I to judge people? I'm not a perfect human being myself. But most of the time I just can't help it. Its like second nature to me....

Anyway sidetrack~

Whenever I see this video, I'll think of Port Dickson... =/ Damn.... The future that I will never have.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

When you are stuck in between...

So we bid farewell to 2012, and say hello to 2013.

Exciting isn't it?

Must be, we survived the apocalypse anyway. We have a tale to be told for many generations to come...

Or do we?

I wonder if an 'apocalypse' can be a slow bleeding one. One that gradually gets worse with time, and not the expected BANG! End of the World. We are all dead and its time to either go to heaven or hell. Period.

Last chance of salvation.

Religion isn't really my sort of thing after I went 'rogue' 2 3 years. I've tried to believing, to truly submerge myself into religion for 1 and a half years, searching and waiting.

Good things come to people who search. Knock and it shall be open/given unto you.

But after all of that, all I get was a pat on the back, but that feeling of what I know is true, was just never there.

I still believe there's more to live than just living our daily life. More to be done, more to be seen.

And I shall continue looking for it. I've been relaxing and burying myself into mundane jobs for the past 1 year. Its time I get back into the game.

SO, lets stick to the 'ritual' that we do each year.

My new year resolution this year is to:

1. Get more spiritually intact with the greater power (If any does exist).
2. Continue my search to find THE truth, or my own truth. Whichever one it may be.

and on a side note

3. Buff up, get fatter. I just don't want to be a skinny tall guy any more. Maybe I am THE skinny tall guy everyone have reference to. But I just don't want to be that.

All in all, this year's resolution is about change.

Aren't all new year's resolution 'bout that?

PS: Can't use the same thing I said last year. 'My new year's resolution is the same as the year before, and the year before cause I don't remember it anymore.

I hope everyone has a wonder new year and may 2013 brings the best out in us.

For those who read all the way down here, here's a little word from our *cough* sponsors