Monday, August 25, 2014

Past year end update.

Hey ho! I'm still alive! Can you believe that?

Been busy like hell during the year end closing and when we are almost done with it, my boss dropped a bomb on our team saying that we are gonna do another full year end come Sept/Oct.

Which is like gawd why? All our leaves are canceled. No holiday plans for us then. :'(

Took leave tomorrow to sleep. Am at KLIA at the moment. Its 4.54 a.m at the moment. Just a lil bit more :D

Monday, August 4, 2014

Of Clubs, clubs and Bars

Busy lately so will keep it short.

Been exploring KL lately with my YOLO gang.

Seems interesting. Never knew such clubs existed in KL area.

Hostess Bars and Clubs, more clubs.

Thing to do on my list, go to all of the skybars in KL.