Sunday, July 26, 2009


The writer is now frustrated over something that should relaxs him. Its hard when people don't find common grounds and always assume that they are right when they are partially at fault. He wonders when everyone will learn to compromise and learn to accept each other's view in a humble way.

Perhaps he just met the wrong batch of people. Not everyone is bad and not everyone is good. Just a few rotten eggs in the basket.

Nevertheless when a problem arise, its better to confront. If you are unhappy with someone's actions, tell them, however so in a way which they could accept. You don't go yelling at them and make them feel all fired up. A calm discussion is a prefered discussion. Nothing would be solve if both stay firm on their grounds and don't learn to let in.

A problem not solve is one that will never and and will cause eternal chaos.

Thats my 2 cents.


PS: Will be updating soon about my life. Sorry for the long MIA session.

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