Friday, September 16, 2011


'No matter how much I wish to return, I never move from this spot
When I close my eyes, you are always there smiling
Every time I remember that smile, tears flow from my eyes
I am not strong enough to say good-bye to the past and move on
Yet those memories are not flimsy enough to get carried away by the waves of time
That's why I've always...
I'll never forget, wherever I am
Whatever I do I'll always think of you
Even if I lose sight of the road I already traveled
Even if I cannot return to those days, The footprints on the ground will always be there
I will always wish that the day will come where we will meet
And laugh with each other....'

21 years in this world. I wonder, what have I gotten myself into and what have I achieved? It has been a roller coaster ride this past 9 years, from my life changing enrollment into an elite high school, going to college and finally to enrolled in a university in the UK [top 30 in the world nevertheless]. I wonder, if I had make a different decision back then, not following you ;) , how different would my life have been?

Working life isn't so bad at all. Thanks to Kumari, Martha, Muja, and all YSD Staffs (Farib , whom I always love to disturb, Che Din who sits next to me :p, Intan who entertains me whenever I stopped by the Education Sponsorship Team cubicles, Zerizan and Ismail and the list goes on and on =)). You guys make me feel that working can be enjoyable!

Religion aside, turning for a church raised Christian, into learning about other religion, becoming and Elder and holding the Melchizedek Priesthood, an Elder, to enter the temple and perform baptism for the dead and then finally into an Agnostic Atheist while searching for my own truth, its been a while and still a long journey ahead.

People have list of things they want to do before they are 30, 40 or even 21, cause 21 marks the age when you are actually being recognise as an adult. I never gave a thought of that list but as this night draws closer to an end, I gave it a thought.... 'Have I done everything I wanted to before I'm 21?'.

The answer is YES.

I shall live a life with no regrets. =) No worries, just living life to the fullest. It hurt me that some memories are bitter sweet, with the bitter part overwhelming that little drop of sweetness, but I'm still happy for it.

I thank thee because it happened, and I was there to experience it. =)

I laugh at those silly versions of me in the past,

That is because I have grown and learnt to see the 'silly-ness' of my former self.

^^ But life needs to be a little silly, don't you think?

Cheers, to the years ahead of me!

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