Saturday, December 18, 2010

First time FNM win =)

My first FNM was in 2006 and being a student I was on a budget deck. Simply just Boros with NO RARES in the deck at all =). Best achievement was 2nd out of 8.

17th Dec 2010
Went off with a bad start where in a practise duel I lost to twice to Tzong Tay (Valakut) and once to Ming Ken (Life Gain Weenie).

I was joking that I should switch to my Elf deck since my Goblin Deck was kinda PMS-ing with me. But I eventually went on with my Gobbos =)

1st Match vs. Pyromancer Ascension

Game 1
He won the die roll and choose to start first. Most of the time it was scry, draw , bolt ish. The pyromancer didn't got active during game and it ended fairly quickly.

Game 2
Was kind of hard, I sided in Jinxed Idol in but he kept mana leak, bolt, burst lightning and into the roil my creatures. In the hand I ran out of gas and surprisingly we just ended the turn for around 4 turns without doing anything.
Ended with a memnite down and sacrifice to jinxed idol for lethal. I really wonder whats in his hand.

Memorial match was that my Memnite got killed of by pyroclasm when it was the only creature on board.

2nd Match against G/W ramp?
Game 1 
Won the roll die and started first. Kicked off with Kudoltha rebirth and Goblin Guide. He cast some bird of paradise and garruk but wasn't fast enough.

Game 2
I didn't expect much creatures so I didn't sided in my Mark of Mutiny and Act of Treason. Turn out he sided in some artifact creatures.

The scenario was like this.

He cast Masticore, I kill it, cast Masticore, kill it again, cast Wurmcoil Engine. I scooped. I simply just don't have enough kill spells

Game 3
Started of with turn 2 panic spellbomb and kudoltha rebirth.
Turn 3 bushwhacker (hit for 8)
Turn 4 teethering peaks, bushwhacker and panic spellbomb as he had one blocker and hit for 12 =) Ended fairly quickly!

3rd Match WW Relic Quest
Game 1 - Ended up fairly quickly to turn 1 and 2 kudoltha rebirth and bushwhacker on turn 3 and 4

Game 2 - Scooped as I kept a one land hand and he argentum armor me on turn 3, destroying my land

Game 3 - Didn't board in my Perilous Myr so was shocked when I see Kor Firewalker. >.< Almost gave up but the my Spikeshot Elder was hitting him for 2 each turn while he was trying to stabilise the board.

Ended up the game with 8 Goblins whacking with kicker from Bushwhacker and +1/+1 for the chieftain and 2 5/5 Devastating Summons for 36 damage if unblocked. He could only block 3 so 24 damage pass through =)

4th Match against Caw Go
Its Eric again! I lost to him last week (My only lost). This week he was playing Brian Kibbler's Caw Go Deck with a few modifications of his own.

Game 1
Lost quickly to counterspells and Baneslayer hitting the board on turn 6 when he was on 7.

Game 2
Won due to Spikeshot elder, Goblin Guide hitting him each turn (after getting Ratchet bomb and Day of Judgement several times)

Game 3
He kept a Preordain, Jace TMS , Gideon Jura and 4 lands. It was a definite keeper but sadly for him he kept drawing lands for almost all of the draws till the end. (Except one Mana Leak and this was when my Goblin Guide was giving him a land each turn!)

=) Pretty Glad I boarded in Spikeshot Elder. It has helped save me from losing to WW and winning games against Eric, which I am really scared to face. To make matter worst, we sat on the same table in which I lost last week. He told me he specifically chose that sport for that particular reason. >.<

My Turbo Goblin Deck with my FNM 1st Prize Foil : Wild Nacalt for December

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