Friday, February 10, 2012


These days I tend to ignore people. I feel so bad about it that I had to let it go. Sorry there =[. Just couldn't stand the pain of taking someone for granted. Its totally unfair and I don't thing people deserve it.

Though somewhere along those lines, I seem to be of more interest in certain people.

=.= Don't know this is selective attention  or what. Darn it, I might as well go back to university work.

Had a belated CNY Dinner with the Girls at Hans Dynasty, Hotpot/Steamboat buffet £16.99 per person. Nice place but I get bored of buffet quickly.

Pyin Nie and Nich, Jaq had to leave earlier cause she was going off to London.

Stop by at Wong Wong to get my Lou Poh Peng before heading back to Pyin Nie's apartment. Forgot to eat it though so Pyin Nie had it for breakfast today xD. Red Cliff was on Tv so we end up watching it. Pyin Nie was ranting on how much scenes they cut for the english version of it [Part I and II combined together].

Lovely commentators though =P. We know what they are thinking. After all Great Minds think ALIKE!
Anyway regarding the picture above, Nich was playing with Siri and ask that question. Pyin Nie was laughing at it =]. Sometimes Siri can be just tad amazing. *Looks at Raj*  

Oh and this? Sloopy Joe! been wanting to cook it but been procrastinating it for a very long while. Since when you may ask? Well since 13 when I first saw it on Disney Channel. 

I'm like, 'WTH is that?'

Must try it one day. Well one thing ticked off from my to-do-list ^^

PS: One lesson I've learnt is watch the damn freaking movie first before you bring a girl to the cinema. =.= I thought Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was suitable for a girl. Boy was I wrong ! Still wish I could have watched an action movie instead... things never could go wrong with it =].

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