Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcoming the new member of my family!

4 letters...

Its has been a long while since I had a pet... Being in KYS making it inconvenient for me to have a pet as there is no one home to take care of it. So today, I made up my mind. I'm gonna buy hamsters and bring them to college. ^^
Ok so this is their cage... there wasn't any colour other than pink so HAD to buy this one... =X
This is one of them, haven't given them any names yet.
The other one hiding in their 'house'.
Still trying to think of names for them. They are from the Roborovski breed. Small and agile... ^^

1 comment:

Faye S.S said...

pink cage?? gayy...
btw ur hamsters both oso male kan..
goshh...homohamsters.. =) kekekeke..