FNM Promo Card for January
Manage to get this beauty during the first week of January during FNM when I didn't manage to win it but manage to get it via Lucky Draw. During the second week when I faced Eric for the finals, I was 'offered' (not exactly offered, I keep pestering him about the match to give me the Chalice, so it was due to my persuasion that Eric actually offered that :p) if I would give up the boosters for winning the FNM for it, as he didn't care about winning, just the extra boosters. I decline as I somehow feel bad if I was declared 'winner' just by that. Lost 1-2 though, so eventually not getting it.
Levi had one but traded it with me since he needed an Inquisition of Kozilek and he hates foils. I eventually traded one Inquisition of Kozilek and my only Textless Mana Leak (Which I love so much! This was my first MPR card that I received from WoTC). In the end after a sad parting, I got the chalice but it is going to Tzong Tay. Why you may ask? First, it was his Birthday and 2nd, I wanted to keep a Wild Nacatl FNM Promo for memory of my first FNM victory (Since I traded mine away as an add on for a trade which includes a Textless Damnation.)
Wasn't looking forward to tonight. Tried boarding in Perilous Myr but decided they really should be just in the sideboard. Went 2-0 or 3-0 depending on how you look at it. First Match was against David Newton but he was missing so it was basically a bye. Second Match was against Kat Donohue, one of the very few female Magic Players that we have in Manchester (A very good one as well!). Game one sees me blowing off with guides and chimeric mass as she couldn't 'bounce' my creature (all has haste and Chimeric Mass is not a creature until I animate it). Second game I manage to bring her down to 5, but she locked me out of red mana source with Spreading Seas. If I had red mana she would have loss as I got 3 burn spells and 2 Goblin Guides with me. She ended it with Genesis Wave into Titans, Lands, Lotus cobra etc :p. Third game was a little better for me as 2 Guides and 3 Bushwhacker came down earlier.
Third match is where i like it the most, very intense albeit how short it was. For the 3 rounds we played (Went 3-0, third round for casual), he was always one turn before dealing me with lethal damage (28 via valakut) before he dies and game 2 and 3 was via Mark of Mutiny! Game 2 interesting thing that after having 6 3/4s plant tokens with Avenger of Zendikar, he swing me for an almost lethal forcing me to block my 3 1/1 goblins otherwise i would be dead. I had Jinxed Idol in play one me as well and that left me with 4 life. He had a bolt in his hand but I got a Galvanic Blast (For 2) and Mark of Mutiny (Stealing the Avenger and hitting for 6), just nice as his life total was 8. Had he lay back a blocker, he would have won the game.
Stopped at 3 round as it was getting late but if pairings were gonna go on. I would face Alex (Running Boros Landfall). In my mind its the most top tier aggro deck in standard at the moment, with consistent damage and card advantage as compared to Kuldotha Red. Took game one easily but loss game 2 and 3 as he got more burn spells and recover via card advantage from Squadron Hawks. I foresee this coming and as this was for casual so I was very happy despite my loss here.
Thats all for my report on this week's match up. The interesting thing to report is that my cards actually went missing. When I was playing against Alex, David came with my Textless Zendikar Mountain. The sleeve was obviously mine and game me a shock. Was i playing with 59 cards in my deck? (I would have gotten a gameloss for not playing a full 60 deck if this was discovered earlier.) I chcked my land count, it was 19 so this was an extra mountain, probably the one I lost earlier this week (I had discovered that I was only playing 18 lands when i was tweaking it yesterday.)
Matters aside, I continue with the game but when Dave came and ask who's Spikeshot Elder is this? I gasp! The card sleeve was mine, I checked my deck in which I normally run two Spikeshot Elder. I was clearly missing one.
Boo! I actually lost two cards tonight O_O? Dave came and asked, was Adrian 'cheating' by not playing a 60 card deck? He returned the card to me, I conceded to Alex due to superior board and began analyse my situation, checking my deck list.
My feelings at this point was a mixture of both being puzzled and angry. Puzzled at how on earth did I lose those cards, and angry for two reasons: 1) Accused of cheating although it was a mistake although by DCI Floor Rules I did 'cheat' if I wasn't playing a full 60 card deck and 2) Why wasn't I paying more attention to my cards? If I had, I would have realised that it was lost in the first place!
Left Fanboy3 feeling bad, puzzled and angry at the same time. As I walk away I realise that I had left my jacket in there! Grrrr!
Then on the way back I was looking for my phone. Wanted to text Tzong Tay but where the hell was it? Did I actually left it at Fanboy3? OMG Why am I so careless about my stuffs? ='(
I really need to be much careful!
Turn out it was in my room and I was just forgetful that I absent mindedly left it there to charge. =/
I can blame it to the fact that I've been awake for the past 24 hours so I wasn't thinking straight but I think I am really responsible for my clumsiness. It was lucky that it was only a Spikeshot Elder and Dave found it. If it were a Koth or Masticore, I would faint if I realise at any point that it was missing from my deck!
But matters aside, to wrap up, I now got 3 Everflowing Chalice at the moment :p (Haven't pass one to Tzong Tay yet). Makes you feel like wanna get a playset! Although among our group, we do have a playset with me having 2, Tzong Tay 1 and Ming Ken with 1 as he was the lucky person this week getting the lucky draw!
=) FNM been good so far, going for 3-1 each week except once where I actually went 4-0 ^^". Way better than in 2006 where it was a lost at almost every FNM :P. Soon, my ratings will go up. Soon! :p