Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Tagged by Faye

1. Are you single?

:: Yes
2. Are you happy about that?
:: For now yes
3. Are you bored?
:: Totally
4. Are you sad?
:: In a way
5. Are you a queen/king control?
:: I tend to be demanding at times, so yeah... a litle bit
6. Are you plastic?
:: No but I have some on my face @_@
8. Are you cool?
:: Not sure about that
9. Are you chinese?
:: Yes, what question is that?
10.Who are you?
:: Errr I am ME?

1. Initials :: aK
2. Nicknames :: Tehpong, Zep, Zephyrus, Fifi, Fai Fai. 
3. Birth place :: Penang
4. Hair color :: Black
5. Age :: 18 years and 4 months  old
6. Eye color :: Brown
7. Birthday :: September 15
8. Mood :: Unsure
9. Favorite colors :: black, red , white, blue, and totally GREEN
10. Left or right handed :: Right handed

1. Smile or eyes :: Smile
2. Light or dark hair :: I don't care
3. Hugs or kisses :: Hmm, kisses? I hate hugs
4. Intelligence or attraction? :: Intelligence
5. Hook-up or relationship :: Relationship
6. Trust or love? :: Trust before Love
7. Long distance or close? :: If possible close
8. Call or text? :: Both, but how about face to face =O
9. Older or younger? :: Younger!
10.Looks or Personality :: Personality

1. Last phone call you made :: Mum
2. Last phone call you received :: Mum
3. Last person/people you hung out with? :: Gee Kin, Raevon, Chee Kit and Eenoch
4. Last person to text you :: Faye
5. Last person you tickled? :: Can't remember
6. Last person you danced with? :: I don't dance
7. Last person you hugged? :: Hun Yin I think
8. Last person you ate with? :: Daddy and Mummy 
9. Last person you sat in the car with? :: Chee Kit and Gee Kin
10. Last person you kissed? :: 
Hmmm, can't remember =P

A End to 6 weeks of Ignorance

Well 2008 is coming to its end and 2009 is coming. To think back, I didnt realy achieve much this year as compare to the previous years. I felt like I have wasted the entire year doing mundane stuffs and so on. Experiencing college life was nice, but when its in a hostel, I felt like high school all over again. The life, the lessons, the events that we have to participate, the house that we are in and so on. It so feels like KYS all over again. So dejavu. 

Well the good part about this year is that I have learn to judge people better. People that I used to be close with, are just gone like the wind, the ethereal zephyr. Some people just can't balance their friendship. When they meet new people, they forgot the old one. I have also learnt that no matter how I try to stay in touch with some of my friends, if its only me doing the communication. It aint gonna work. Even if we are the best of pals back in highschool.

Its that time again, seasons pass, people changed and so on. A year has passed swiftly and here we are , a year older. Wiser perhaps? I don't realy know about that. People certainly grow out from their shells this year. I still see people wearing mask, pretending to be who they aren't, just for the popularity and so on. Getting acceptance into the community, thats what we want now. To have links, to communicate better so that when we are trying to reach the top, we have all the human resources we need to achieve it. People still use people and thats a fact. Can't realy run away from it. Its amazing how my friends treated this girl, initially they were making fun of her and teasing her, mocking her name at so on. But later on when they get to know who she realy is, everything change. They start being nice to her and helped her and so on. Thats so lame but well the truth it, it works everytime.

This holidays can be summed up as being a sloth. My schedule is simple.

1. Sleep
2. Eat
3. Outings
4. Movies
5. Cyber Cafes
6. Dota
7. Dramas
8. Tv
9. Chatting

Up to date I haven't touch my books yet and to think of it, I'm having my freaking A levels in 4 months. Its time to stop enjoying and start working I guess. 

So my new year's resolution for next year is:

1. Stop playing games excessively and start studying.
2. Go for sports more often.
3. Get As for all my A levels subject, 4.5 to be exact. AAAAa.
4. Learn how to cook.
5. Go for my special trainning more often.
6. Get the girl of my dream, if not move on =) .
7. Get shorter
8. Get my driver's license
9. Be more knowledgeble about what is happening around the world.
10. Go to UK and hopefully the university of my dream, LSE.

Hopefully all of it ain't gonna be hard for me to achieve. One thing for sure, I need to always strive to be a better man.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la... la la la la.

Merry Christmas to everyone! 

Well Christmas for me, it didnt go exactly as planned. Not all of it.
Didnt get to go to Gurney and spray foam at people cause lack of transport. Gee Kin and Enouch got delayed from KL. So Chee Kit and I went to QueensBay instead for a while. A friend of his asked him out. A girl apparently but we didnt even get to say hi. Weird... they just glance at each other haha. In Borders... 

But we got back to his home before 12am since there wasnt much at Queensbay anyway. Countdown in garena. How boring is that but I got a nifty snowman pet on my avatar. Watched Moonlight till 5am though and slept till 2pm. The first thing I remember was Ms. Zai's wedding. " Shit! I'm later for it!" Figuratively speaking of course as she didnt mention the time. And its in Teluk Bahang, on the other side of the island. It will take me at least 40 minutes to get there if there is no jam.

So went there and yes it was almost over. Apparently the event was from 12pm till 4pm. Saw Ms. Zai on the stage, she was wearing white. Another shitty thing is that I forgot to bring my camera. Damn that sucks a lot.

Souvenirs from Ms. Zai's wedding, some delicacies, a fan and another thing im not so sure what it is. Smells nice though.

Met up with Chee Kit later on and had dinner at a chinese restaurant nearby while waiting for Gee Kin to fetch us. Apparently it tooked him 40+ minutes to drive from Peng Hwa. Must be a hell of jam.

Went to gurney later on. Gee Kin met up with some friends from Taylors while we sat there. He was the only one who haven't have his dinner yet. Gurney Drive, haha. So many options and yet if you didn't speak Hokkien, your wallets gonna slim down a bit. His friend order a passembur and it cost him RM15. Lolz, you'll get the biggest one they have. A normally Passembur only cost around RM2~3  and at most RM5 for penangites. 

Later on we went to FTZ. Rae Von and Gee Kin were both driving so transport wasnt an issue that night. 2 cars with only 5 passengers.. 2 in Rae Von's and 3 in Gee Kin's. Stayed there for more than 7 hours playing dotA and some mini games. I discover something new that night, I never knew they close the 2nd floor sometimes. There goes my snack for the night as the food were sold on the 2nd floor and 1st floor only sells drinks.

FTZ Penang...

We left around 7am or so and went to KFC for breakfast. It was either McD  or KFC for breakfast. 

Raevon and Gee Kin, Gee Kin was staring at the sky and comparing it to the skies in France.

The Sky that he was staring at. 

We never appreciate nature that much. Look at the destruction that mankind did to our Mother Earth. Probably thats why I wanted to be a ecologist when I was young. Was realy into nature and still is.

Oh well, overall this christmas was a quiet one. However, it was still nice as I got to catch up with my friends. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sime Darby Scholars Development programme in Carey Island

So Carey Island wasn't as what I have expected. Beaches, seaside chalets and so on... 
Its actually and island filled with palm trees. Sime Darby Plantation academy was there so yeah, the next few days was filled with 45 SD scholars in a palm tree estate. Oh bother.

This was out itinerary throughout the programme. It is filled with talks, talks and more talks. Wasnt the kind of camp that we expected though as in their email they asked us to bring sports attire, swimming attire and so on.

Tooked us around one and a half hours to arrive there. It started out with a karaoke night where everyone was suppose to sing. They make it sound like it was so far away. We are going with a coach and there will be 2 trips. The first for the one who wants to sing and the second for those who just wanna watch. Eventually, the 2nd group just walked there instead. Most of us was shy at first but as the night continues, many were eager to hold the microphone. Eventually we got bored of it and wished that it would end ASAP.

Ash, Nick and Amir a.k.a The Lost Boy

Subiah, Lynn, Boyout and Nash singing out. Boyout grab the mike from Lynn whenever it was time for the chorus... Pity Lynn.

Hafiz and I, we were in the same group during our interview last year. He got to do Ausmat while I did A levels... Oh yeah, its his birthday today. 24th Dec, Happy birthday man.

This was Iylia in the Buzz / Fizz game. We were suppose to say buzz everytime there is a multiple of 5 and Fizz when there is a multiple of 7. Whoever lost had to sing a song. Iylia did Twinkle twinkle little stars =P.

This is our cup drawings. We were suppose to choose from the four options that would tell us a bit about our personality. I choosed checkers and well one is true, kind and most often been used by others. LMAO

The table where I sat during the programme. Of course during the games they would  jumble us up. I pity Nash, the pose looks wrong. =)

This is Hun Yin during out blind arrangement game. We are not suppose to talk and see and arrange ourself in a straight line from 1 to 45. We tooked 3 attempts to complete it though as Aizat and Hun Yin forgot the codes.

During the free and easy time on the first day, its either volleyball or swimming. Most of them went for volleyball as the swimming pool was only a 10 by 10 pool. Some of us didnt mind and yeah we were lucky it rained. We end up in the other pool. 

Aizat posing for the picture

Lynn, trying to hit the ball. She was the first to score a point for that day. Shame on us guys = ="

Me as I practise shooting. Not bad, I hit the ball more often now instead of making it jump around.

This was the ping pong game where the bats were our breath. Eventually, no one dare to touch the ball as it was filled with saliva. I was unlucky to be position opposite to Nick. I pity my face T_T.

My group table a.k.a Group 2 / Dynamite as we listen to the talk.

Pak Nol giving out his talk

Dyanamite rocks! We got the best group after we won 1st Best Cheer, 2nd place in Magic Blanket and 1st in the Pegs Competition. We lost badly in the Ping Pong though, 5 - 0.

Me receiving my cert from Pn. Hajah Mariani, head of the Sime Darby Business School

Anyway, it was a quick programme. Before we knew it, we were packing out bags and heading home. Ken, Boyout and Subiah got the best participants. Most of us were happy as we get to leave the island and back to civilisation. Yeay, no more being surround by palm trees =P. Although thoose taking Bio Tech might end up being here as there is a R&D center there.

Before our departure back

Me and Lynn

On Sime Darby's bus, Me and Patrick

It was an insightfull camp. Nice as well.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I will be away for a few days so won't be blogging for the next couple of days. TO all my friends, enjoy the holidays while it last. Good luck to all for the PMR results and have a blast Christmas and New Year!~

PS: To thoose waiting answers from Sime Darby and Bank Negara for their scholarship offers based on their trials.. All the best in getting it. And then I can say, welcome to the gang =P

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Weird things happen oh bother~

Ok for this post to be valid, take a look at my chat box. =P

To the guy named Tiffany, I don't know whats your problem. But as far as I'm concern, I have made a deal with her. And pretty please if you don't know the content of the deal, please don't butt in. It's rude if you learnt your manners. Thanks for the advise though, I'll keep that in mind.

For your Information, I don't realy think a phone call once a month (If im lucky) or once in  several months consider as a lot. Blimmey me, I call my fren more than I call her. *winks to my close friends and of course Mui Mui*. Even my ex gets more. ^_^ 

To tell you the truth, feel free to go after her. I don't mind. But people will have a fair game and compete professionally, and not just asking their competitors to back off. Believe in your own strengh and by what are you doing now, you are actually comdenming yourself to an act of coward. But thanks for the warning, I know now that I got a protective competitor that doesnt mind speaking out his mind. Kudos to you. =)

Seriously I need a chat with you, and not through that chat box at the side. =P It will shorten the time period taken and lets not waste our own time here. I meant it as I will be away for the next few days attending my Scholar Development Programme. *I just cant wait for it =P, Carey Island here I come!*

One question, how old are you? I just wanna know the age of my competitor.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Was that It?

OK, yesterday I watched The Day the Earth stood Still. Didnt get to watch it the day before (Watch Trasporter 3) as the tickets were sold out and I am so not gonna walk around Queensbay for 2 hours. Its getting bored, the mall. To think of it, it used to be an abandon building for years and now, its a 'hot' attraction. Weird how things can change don't they?

Back to the story, went to watch that movie. At first it was good. I was asking the what question all along. But turns out in the end, it got a bit sour. Thats all? Human has a 2nd personality and he (Keanu Reeves) just left like that. Cause well humans, each of us is unique and most of us tend to neglect our 2nd personality right? overall I would say it was a good film but not good enough.

Going out with my family tonight. Ciao

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A typical boring day

Watch Transporter 3 yesterday... I know its a bit late but well. The Day The Earth Stood still was sold out and I was too lazy to wait another 2 hours for the midnight show. It was nice and I was remind on how I like deep voices... ROFL.

I'm getting bored of my daily routines now. Its wake up, eat sleep, play dota, television and chatting. Well for Dota, I notice one thing. Sentinel tends to win more the Scourge.. lolz. I could it the curse of the bad guys, lol. Even another players agrees with me. I wonder why is it like that.

I'm trying to drag my mum and dad to watch movie with me tonight. I dont realy mind watching alone but well, my mum hasnt watch any movies in the cinema in ages. Would be a nice thing to drag her along, dont ya think?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Nice Song

This song is just what I need! My other self, lol. Listen to it guys...

Wan Mei Bi Li, by Rainie Yang

wan mei bi li
gang kan wan dian ying
you yue wo kan ye jing
dong ji hen xian ming yao zhu yi
ni bie po huai ni wo de wan mei bi li
feng jing mei li
wo que xin tiao bu ting
jiu pa bei ni kan qing
jia zhuang zhen ding
tou tou di shen hu xi
xiao rong jian ding
xiao jiu wo hen qiang xi
ni xi yin li wu di
nong nong de ai qing
du qi zhi jie tao xin wo kuai tou yun
gan kuai qing xing ba gan kuai qing xing
bie rang wo
yue guo ai qing jin qu

tian mi de ai qing
shi gao ka lu li
xiang ge qiao ke li
you bu gan tai kao jin
hu yuan you hu jin
wei chi mo hu guan xi
er xian zai de ju li
shi wan mei de bi li

ni dui zhe wo xiao
wo lian hong dao bu ting
pa bei kan qing wo zhuang zhen ding
tou tou zai zuo shen hu xi
xiao rong jian ding
wei wo pi shang da yi
mei li wu di
zhi ming xi yin
wo kuai yao tou yun
gan kuai qing xing ba gan kuai qing xing
bie rang wo
hai xin shen bu yu

ni yi yan yi yu
wo lao ji zai xin
man nao dou shi ni
que zhuang zuo bu zai yi
ni zhuo mo bu qing
you qing hai shi ai qing
zhe mo hu de ju li
shi wan mei de bi li

shi jie shang zui yuan de ju li
zai ni mian qian que bu dong wo de xin
shi jie shang zui mei de ju li
cong wo zhang xin dao ni zhang xin

tian mi de ai qing
shi gao ka lu li
xiang ge qiao ke li
you bu gan tai kao jin
hu yuan you hu jin
wei chi mo hu guan xi
er xian zai de ju li
shi wan mei de bi li

ni yi yan yi yu
wo lao ji zai xin
man nao dou shi ni
que zhuang zuo bu zai yi
ni zhuo mo bu qing
you qing hai shi ai qing
zhe mo hu de ju li
shi wan mei de bi li

wan mei de bi li

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tzi Han

I dedicate this post to my pet hamster that just passed away. Now Tzi Wei is left alone in the cage. 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Did a personality test..

Your view on yourself:

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life itself

I bet most of us are trying to discover who we realy are in life and continue to ask ourself these questions. Who am I? What am I good at? Where are my talents? What must I do? Yadda x2
Well the answer is definitely not Spiderman =P. Everyone is lost for a reason, and thats the reason why we live.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances.." wrote William Shakespeare.

A reknown genius of his own time. Shakespeare saw the world as a stage, where everyone merely acts and what impact they have on life is just their time on stage. This is true to an extend where what memories we leave behind when we are gone ,  is what we do when we are still alive. But what actions matters and what doesn't, what profound talents of act that we are suppose to do in life? We are our own scriptwriter of life. What do we want, we just act it own. In this way, it goes againts the belief of fate. What is fated and what is not?

Sometimes I just wonder, what is the truth and what is a lie. Religions are there for a reason. Is it to guide people back to the spiritual world known as heaven or better known as Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE)? Where do we go after Earth? Somethings are just not known and therefore we live by faith. Believing in what we do not see, hear, feel or detected by any of our senses. Blind faith, yeah thats what we call it. Mankind is special in its own way, we live, create, multiply just like a virus, we alter nature to fit our demands ; destroying it in the process. I think I am slowly becoming an Atheist in a way. Things just don't matter to me anymore.

Questions and questions kept coming to me. And endless stream of it. Deciphering life isn't an easy task. It requires a whole lot of determination, time from the mind and soul, peserverance from the heart.

Going back to my alma matter, things isn't much different from where it used to be after all. I have 'friends', who are close to me just for their own benefit. Just because I used to be smart in primary school, everyone wants to know me. In highschool, these cycle of friends continues, they are only close to me so that they can ask for my help. Projects, assignment, research, computer problems... You name it! I seem to be the repairmen for them. College ain't that different after all. I'm trying hard to find out if the friends I have now is sincere or not. Thought most of them aren't and the one I'm considering might not be in the future. Time can only tell and experience shape us into who we are suppose to be.

Which brings us back this matter, who we are? Are we a servant of GOD? Are we just an puppets of life? Are we an organism that lives to harmonize with the ecosystem? What role do we play in this world? If everything is fated, then whats the point of living if everything is planned for us? Is there free will in this world? Does freedom and cause collides with each other? This is where Karma comes in, do good and you will yield good. Commit evil and you shall receive the judgement later on. But to what extend does this valid? You see evil people around everywhere, and they are on the top, living an exclusive live wherelse the good people remain poor. People used to say, it ain't time yet. But till when do we wait? When does this torment end?
In my opinion, its just human making excuse. We make excuse for things which we can'e explain.

And in life, we shouldn't make excuse. For every cause there must be a reason behind it. We live by our actions, and whether the end result is good or bad, we will accept it wholeheartedly.
Probably things are never define, and its best left that way. But being human, its in our nature to be curious. Curiousity kills the cat but well, human don't realy care. This is what makes us creative human beings, we think outside the box.

So what is life, what are our purpose of living, who are we and what must we do? I believe everyone is asking the same thing and some might be contend with the answers they have already. But there is this itch, this feeling of doubt that exist no matter what. 

When we are at a cliff and we are afraid to jump, there is always a little voice asking you to jump. Is it realy the urge to jump, or the urge to fall? 

The last thing an angel would experience it fall itself. Before damnation. So what are we exactly?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Unusual Family Gathering

What happens when you are in a car with your family,
Planning to eat somewhere when suddenly there was this car following you from behind?

A : Drive as fast and try to loose the car like Bond
B : Continue to drive normally
C : Invite them for Dinner as well! The more the merrier right? 

Apparently we choosed option C.
Why? You may be wondering.
Cause..... jeng....jeng....jeng

Its my bro's girlfriend driving behind us. ROFL

So we end up stopping at a petrol station in Green Lane where my bro got off and went into her car instead and together, we drove to Auto City in the Mainland.

It was fun and the interior design was fantastic.. It gives the feeling like you just in your own world. Ate buffet but you get to order the foods. Haha. It was Nett RM55.20 each but I guess it was worth it =P

It was fun, too bad I didnt brought my camera with me. Sorry guys~

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Its Just another day~

Part 1

Well, I got an email from ucas regarding my application. Was very nervous when i login into my track as I keep on hoping that it will be an offer letter from LSE. But nevertheless it wasn't. Apparently it was from Lancaster. Requirements are the same with Manchester, AAB. But too bad, Sime Darby won't send me there. 

Its another boring day as usual. Aint holidays are like that after a while?
I'm getting to the point where I wake up, surf the net endlessly, and doing nothing.
Studying right now doesn't seem to be a bad idea as I have nothing else to do.
Would I, a person that never studies during the holidays finnaly start studying?

Part 2
Besides that, I can't never avoid the trouble that I have created for myself,
That why I need to endure it myself, alone..
There are times when I'm feeling low, when nothing else matters,
But just a phone call would do, a simple Sms.. 
Anything to ignite the spark,
And there onwards, I shall move on.

I just wanna ask you, 
Don't ever give up, even when everything seems lost,
Cause there is always a rainbow after the rain,
And a pot of gold beneath that rainbow,
Where happiness is contain.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Of People and Lies

Sometimes I just get fed up,
With certain people around me,
Acting like I don't exist everyday,
Not even a single Hi when I pass through,
But they expect me to greet them everytime.

Though I learn to ignore these people,
Eventhough they are my so call friends,
Or used to be best friends,
Time change people and so it did,
To certain people around me.

Everynow and then,
We will get in contact,
But for what reasons?
They'll ask for my help,
And expect me to help them since I'm their 'friend'.

After the help is given, *poof* they shall dissapear into the air,
And then cycle shall repeat itself over and over again,
Being kind ain't suppose to be like that,
I've learnt not to give help to people like that,
To ignore them, To act as they do not live.

What I'm finding for is just true friends,
That will laugh with you when your happy,
And cry with you when your sad,
Be with you when your lonely.

And not just those people in the mask,
Where they only come to you in times of trouble,
And deserts you when the sun is shinning,
Thanks for showing me who you all are,
Even after all these years all of you just won't change.

I'm ashamed to be called a part of you,
I'm ashamed to have met you,
Farewell is all I got to say,
And I hope we will never meet again.