So Carey Island wasn't as what I have expected. Beaches, seaside chalets and so on...
Its actually and island filled with palm trees. Sime Darby Plantation academy was there so yeah, the next few days was filled with 45 SD scholars in a palm tree estate. Oh bother.

This was out itinerary throughout the programme. It is filled with talks, talks and more talks. Wasnt the kind of camp that we expected though as in their email they asked us to bring sports attire, swimming attire and so on.
Tooked us around one and a half hours to arrive there. It started out with a karaoke night where everyone was suppose to sing. They make it sound like it was so far away. We are going with a coach and there will be 2 trips. The first for the one who wants to sing and the second for those who just wanna watch. Eventually, the 2nd group just walked there instead. Most of us was shy at first but as the night continues, many were eager to hold the microphone. Eventually we got bored of it and wished that it would end ASAP.
Ash, Nick and Amir a.k.a The Lost Boy
Subiah, Lynn, Boyout and Nash singing out. Boyout grab the mike from Lynn whenever it was time for the chorus... Pity Lynn.
Hafiz and I, we were in the same group during our interview last year. He got to do Ausmat while I did A levels... Oh yeah, its his birthday today. 24th Dec, Happy birthday man.
This was Iylia in the Buzz / Fizz game. We were suppose to say buzz everytime there is a multiple of 5 and Fizz when there is a multiple of 7. Whoever lost had to sing a song. Iylia did Twinkle twinkle little stars =P.
This is our cup drawings. We were suppose to choose from the four options that would tell us a bit about our personality. I choosed checkers and well one is true, kind and most often been used by others. LMAO
The table where I sat during the programme. Of course during the games they would jumble us up. I pity Nash, the pose looks wrong. =)
This is Hun Yin during out blind arrangement game. We are not suppose to talk and see and arrange ourself in a straight line from 1 to 45. We tooked 3 attempts to complete it though as Aizat and Hun Yin forgot the codes.
During the free and easy time on the first day, its either volleyball or swimming. Most of them went for volleyball as the swimming pool was only a 10 by 10 pool. Some of us didnt mind and yeah we were lucky it rained. We end up in the other pool.
Aizat posing for the picture
Lynn, trying to hit the ball. She was the first to score a point for that day. Shame on us guys = ="
Me as I practise shooting. Not bad, I hit the ball more often now instead of making it jump around.
This was the ping pong game where the bats were our breath. Eventually, no one dare to touch the ball as it was filled with saliva. I was unlucky to be position opposite to Nick. I pity my face T_T.
My group table a.k.a Group 2 / Dynamite as we listen to the talk.
Pak Nol giving out his talk
Dyanamite rocks! We got the best group after we won 1st Best Cheer, 2nd place in Magic Blanket and 1st in the Pegs Competition. We lost badly in the Ping Pong though, 5 - 0.
Me receiving my cert from Pn. Hajah Mariani, head of the Sime Darby Business School
Anyway, it was a quick programme. Before we knew it, we were packing out bags and heading home. Ken, Boyout and Subiah got the best participants. Most of us were happy as we get to leave the island and back to civilisation. Yeay, no more being surround by palm trees =P. Although thoose taking Bio Tech might end up being here as there is a R&D center there.
Before our departure back
Me and Lynn

On Sime Darby's bus, Me and Patrick
It was an insightfull camp. Nice as well.