Friday, December 19, 2008

Was that It?

OK, yesterday I watched The Day the Earth stood Still. Didnt get to watch it the day before (Watch Trasporter 3) as the tickets were sold out and I am so not gonna walk around Queensbay for 2 hours. Its getting bored, the mall. To think of it, it used to be an abandon building for years and now, its a 'hot' attraction. Weird how things can change don't they?

Back to the story, went to watch that movie. At first it was good. I was asking the what question all along. But turns out in the end, it got a bit sour. Thats all? Human has a 2nd personality and he (Keanu Reeves) just left like that. Cause well humans, each of us is unique and most of us tend to neglect our 2nd personality right? overall I would say it was a good film but not good enough.

Going out with my family tonight. Ciao

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