Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Eight: Three turn ons

For today's post, I am going to stick with this definition. 

'A person or thing that causes someone to feel excited or sexually aroused'

Well, more on the 'cause someone to feel excited part'

1. Beautiful people: I always believe that black is elegant, and elegant with a dash of personality equates beautiful to me. Yes, beautiful peoples. I feel excited when I see pretty things and I don't say you are beautiful unless I mean it. So wait for me to say it and don't ever ask me why I don't call you beautiful but just pretty or cute. It takes time :)

2. Waiting : Don't we all? Whether it is that particular movie that we have been waiting for so long , your very own birthday party, proms or that one particular graduation ceremony. Or even to ask a question, or to meet someone special. We all get excited as the time draws near. So do I. I get excited just by waiting. Of course, the best part is when it finally comes. Its a sublime sensation, but its the one we remember the most. That one Moment. The one we were waiting for.

3.  Innocent : Ever wonder why making snow angels makes kids feel excited? Its that pure innocent feeling within them, and of course the fun in lying down in the snow, flapping out your wings. You could still be innocent after doing a lot of stuffs. Just picture a black canvas and a small white circle in the middle. That particular section of the canvas is still untainted, free from other colours. Innocent, without any tainted thoughts. Being innocent for a moment, turns me on.

Well for those who want to look at this with the extended definition of it, 'or sexually aroused'. Just look at them in a different perspective :) If you wanna know, you have to first take the effort.

No pictures in today's post. Its subtle and its up for imaginations! ^^

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