Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day Seven: Four turn offs

1. Smokers who blows their puffs at you : Well I don't like to smell nor breath smokes coming out from cigarettes or cigars. Weed smells like when you are burning grass so I'm okay with that since people burn grasses so often not in Malaysia. Don't get me wrong, its best to avoid when people are smoking but I'm fine when they are. Just don't puff it at me and I will be totally cool with you. I used to hate smokers but once you got used to it, its not that bad. (Just have to beware of secondary smoker effect)

2. Over repeated songs : Seriously who doesn't. These are songs which were played continuously on the radio, by your mates and every freaking place you go! Sure it sounds nice at first, maybe a bit catchy as well, but it sure turns you down when you have to listen to it all the time, even when you don't want to.

Yes I mean you! Friday! Thumbs up for Hitler!

3. People who don't use Google : Its not like Google's diabolical scheme is to take over the world (Well it is as a matter of fact!) but people, if you don't know something, google it! (or your prefer search engine). Unless you want someone to explain it to you because you want to understand it deeper, or when you don't have access to the internet, don't ask! Complicated stuffs however, is totally fine. Its much easier to have someone explain it to you than having to read an entire article on it. But try to find it out yourself first. Do some 'homework' and then go ask for explanations if you need them. Else you will never learn.

4. Hypocrites : They are a turn down since high school. Never trust one, never will. 

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